The first order of business here on the homestead is definitely watching to see when the goats are in heat. Then we will contact our people for breeding! I’m looking forward to some little goat babes and also milk! Getting to the point of having our own fresh milk has been a long time in the making.
We’re getting some rabbits in just a few weeks so we need to get cages and all that set up soon. Rabbits will be breeding for meat. I’m hopeful that it’s not too heartbreaking of a process and it is something that we can stick with. I’m a softy, I love animals. I also love self sufficiency and the low impact raising small animals has on the environment.
I’d like to raise some meat birds as well. We use a lot of chicken and it would really be nice to raise our own. I’m considering also raising some turkeys possibly selling some, but I will have to gauge interest there. And look a little more into our state’s regulations.
I’m thinking about raising some quail for eggs and meat. The eggs are fantastic albeit a little higher in cholesterol than chicken eggs, so if cholesterol is a concern, be aware of nutrition information.
I want to get a couple kunekune pigs to raise, breed, sell/eat. I’ve read that they are a fantastic breed to keep on a small homestead so that’s what its all about!
A small raised garden bed would be awesome and only take an afternoon to get set up! We have a ton of sunlight in the warmer months where we live, which translates to… no trees. haha
Lots of goals and aspirations for the coming year!
I am working on refocusing my mind, my goals, and life on things that are relevant. It helps me get through these winter months. It gives me something to look forward to and a plan for the coming months.