Monday, October 30, 2017

Bending Lest We Break

I hope I can put this into words more eloquently than I anticipate it to sound...

What I thought was going to be an emotional roller coaster of a weekend. Turned out to be pretty great. I don't really know how much to share on such a topic but the truth is family relationships are so hard. It takes a lot of work, as all relationships do.

Sadly it is easier to neglect those connections with time and distance. Then add misconstrued conversations. Then you add in technology and personal insecurities. What a recipe it is. In a time when people are so connected, it is easy to completely disconnect from each other all the same.

I think a lot of reconnecting happened this weekend and it was pretty fucking amazing. I think that with time and distance came too the opportunity for personal growth and independence. Time changes people and so does life.

I'm thankful for this weekend and re-connection with family.
Life is fleeting. Not everyone gets that and it makes you cherish it so much more.

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