Friendships have always been incredibly hard for me.
I’m the kind of friend you call when you want a solution, not when you
want sympathy. Although I’ll give sympathy too! Typically women call on
women friends to just listen and agree. Women call on man friends and
relatives when they want a solution to a problem, practical tangible
problems. I get it, really. I’m just rarely the right friend fit and
people generally are closer with people they can call when they need
advice they seek and want to hear or a listening ear.
I’m very introverted and in the socially awkward stereotypical sense,
sorry introverts, I give you all a bad name. I don’t need “girls
night”. I don’t need to see my friends up close and personal.
Actually, hold that, I’m not entirely sure I have friends and I’m not
sure that I’m a friend to anyone else. If friends typically want to see
each other and no one wants to see me… do I have friends?
Thus, this leads me to describing a centerpiece idea for our dining room to my husband.
Who just blinks at me. I realize what’s happening.
Which leads me to say, “I’m sorry, I should be talking about this with one of my friends, but you’re my only friend, so..“.
I don’t know what to do about that. I should firstly stop torturing my
husband. I know that he can’t give me the kind of input I need on that
stuff and it isn’t fair. Secondly, I need to establish more
friendships…. more on that later.
I know that I’m not an easy person to get to know, but I do believe I’m a
good friend so long as people don’t take it personally if I give them a
solution to a problem or don’t make it a point to get together
frequently. Both of which are complicated and likely equate to being a
terrible friend. I’ve given solutions to problems, when the friend only
wanted me to listen. I never meant to, I just thought they wanted
solutions! I’ve lost friends this way. I can’t help who I am but I can
try and I do! But, no one talks to me about anything that might involve
perspective from yours truly now. I don’t do this, jumping to
conclusions of solutions thing, anymore. When I’m unsure, I learned to
ask, “Do you need me to listen or do you want me to spin some
solutions?”. That could be wrong too and maybe that makes them bad
friends. If they can’t accept that I miss the social cues and I need to
ask “stupid” questions then they aren’t very great friends. Help me help
Or maybe, just maybe, people should pick up a damn phone and make a
call to a friend. I don’t know how to read expression in written
messages, so much slips between the cracks. Maybe that is the real fault
in friendships.
A friendship was lost over my unyielding opinion, I’m not going to agree
with someone for the sake of saving a friendship. I’m also not tearing
down their opinion, just sharing my own. I don’t know how a difference
of opinion like that could make or break a friendship. Except that the
friendship must not have been very great. My opinions often get me into
trouble, many people can’t handle having a different opinion on
something than their friend does. Or they wouldn’t consider a friendship
with a person who has a conflicting opinion. That has never stopped me
from having a friendship with someone.
I believe that some people really are too different to have a good
friendship and some people are too toxic to endure. Everyone’s toxicity
tolerance is different. I’m probably too toxic for people who like
things sugar coated and enjoy a good lie. I understand, I won’t try to
be something that I’m not. A person who would want me to change who I am
and what I believe to better match their need for friend similarities
is toxic to me. I’ve had many toxic friends and friends who brought out
the worst in myself. How do I avoid that? Trial and error? That’s
People often drift apart as life changes. I think that has been the
hardest for me. My friends drift away and I haven’t made new friends.
I suppose I need to figure out what I need from a friend and what I can put into a friendship.
Making new friends…
How do people do that!?
I feel like a kid picking blueberries. I start out with a nice
handful then I eat a few here and a few there. Haha that’s not a great
example. I don’t eat my friends. But I seem to just lose them along the
way, more like running with a bucket of water.
But still, I’m not a child putting out a want ad for Mary Poppins!
Or maybe I am.
But then I say stupid things like “Do ya like soup?”.
And people likely think I’m incredibly strange.
I think I am incredibly strange, I wonder if people like that in friends or if I’m getting to old to be so awkward.
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