Thursday, May 2, 2019

Seedlings ~ Projects ~ Babies, Oh my!


I’ve been juggling life differently lately. Balancing working with the busyness of springtime.

My garden boxes are filled with dirt, mulched around, and waiting seedlings. We also put up a fence to keep chickens and dogs out.

My little seedlings are doing pretty well but it is definitely time to put them in the garden beds. It has been raining so much I haven’t had much of a chance to get them transplanted. I’m hoping that I can get it done today. I need to look at my garden map again. My herb seeds are not growing as well as the vegetable seeds. I’m going to try direct sowing them and see what happens.

I’ve been studying my herbs and making plans for the future.

I tried posting a new video to YouTube but I keep getting an error in the process which is infuriating. I seriously need to get a camera and use my computer to upload instead of my iPhone. But I like the ease of my iPhone for making videos so there’s that. I’m so much more likely to do it if my phone cooperates which leads me to believe that the reason I stopped uploading in the fall was because of technical difficulties. I found a couple videos I made that I never uploaded.

Next order of business… animals on the homestead.


The first rabbit had her kits! I counted 8 but there may be more, I didn’t want to disturb them too much being brand new and all. Mama bunny is doing well and seems a lot happier than she was last week. She looked absolutely ticked off and I’m pretty sure she wanted to bite me at one point. The second rabbit should be due in about a week.


The turkey, Groot, is laying eggs again. She is very territorial of them. I shouldn’t have taken them yesterday because today she’s going to be in a horrible mood. Maybe I’ll take them back to her. She is our only turkey so they are not fertile. And speaking of eggs, we were getting a bunch of duck eggs. But now the duck has apparently decided to lay eggs elsewhere. I’m not sure if she intends to sit on them or if she just wants to keep them hidden. I was wanting to get a few more ducklings this year so if she hatches some I’d be thrilled. We really enjoy watching them walk around the yard and I can’t wait to set them up with a swimming pool.

We painted our oldest kids bedroom a dark blue color and it looks awesome.


A perk there is left over paint and… the blue is going to be perfect for an accent wall above our fireplace. Most people would just keep it for touch ups and such but Sherwin Williams keeps records of what paint and finish we bought and I don’t really have a good place to keep things like paint from getting nasty from weather fluctuations. We need to paint the rest of our house but that’ll happen after the bedroom build. And probably towards the fall because summer is such a busy time.

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