Thursday, June 6, 2019

Little Farm Updates


Our rabbits are 5 weeks old. I have a couple people interested in purchasing some as pets.

Our goats are 2-3 weeks from their due dates though I’m starting to wonder about that entirely. I swear neither has gone into heat since January, but we’re all first timers here with goat kidding. And I’m essentially a mess of worry and second guessing everything.


My vegetable garden is thriving despite all the rain here in Western Pennsylvania  Many of my medicinal herbs washed out in the rain though. I’m feeling pretty discouraged with it so I might just replant more vegetables there as well.

I’ve noticed that food prices are going up, not drastically but gradually a few cents here and there. I looked at receipts from March and then receipts from the past week, comparing prices. Some things have jumped by 50 cents and others by 5 or 10 cents but it is happening and I have a feeling it is only going to get worse. The cashier was contemptuous when I asked if she had noticed any increases in prices. So I came home and pulled out my receipt book and found the answers I was looking for.


I haven’t been feeling well at all. Processed meat is giving me migraines.. I sometimes forget I’m avoiding processed meat and eat it and then I regret it for several days. I’m not sure what exactly is bothering me and triggering the migraines so I’m just going to play it save and avoid all of it. Another fun thing, soda is making my mouth swell and get rashy? For lack of a better description, rashy is the best I’ve got. So no more of that I suppose. I can only bet that I have been eating like trash for so long and now my body is like, ‘I quit this is what you’re going to get now so treat me better’. I guess I deserve it and I’m just going to let it motivate me to get into better eating and cooking habits, lest we all starve. or I starve. I have a feeling I’d be the only one starving in reality.


I guess all in all I’m really just disappointed at the amount of convenience foods we have now in our house.
It’s not convenient if it makes you ill.
It’s not convenient if it doesn’t have proper nutritional value.

But some days it does hit the spot I guess and THAT is how we get sucked into these bad habits.

Other things, when our house was built the company skipped installing proper door sills and now all three of our exterior doors are severely damaged from rain getting under the door plate and setting there. The damage even extends into our daughters’ bedroom where we will have to replace the carpet and padding.
We discovered all of this damage when we pulled old carpeting and linoleum out of the one room so that we could start putting in new flooring and put our house back together. Now our house feels like it is going to be an eternal shit show. The insurance adjuster came out today to look at all of the damage. He said he has seen this in a lot of houses and its just the lack of a proper sill under the freaking door. HOW hard is that!? Who wants to build houses that slowly sneakily rot away like that?! Hopefully our homeowners insurance will cover it. We need to get an estimate from some contractors while we wait so that we find out how expensive this is going to be if insurance won’t cover it or if we should start planning to fix it ourselves. Good times.


My husbands truck also endured over $4000 in hail damage. And our rental house’s roof is leaking, we are hoping it is a storm damage situation and not an “old roof” situation.

But at least we’ve still got the farm, hahahaha and a positive attitude. That goes a long way.

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