This got me thinking. What happens if I post various religious quotes and tidbits from my religious beliefs? Would they suddenly reject the idea of even looking at all the cool crafty things, kids stuff, and recipes that I pin? Really though. I want to know what is wrong in a society where Christians can shout their beliefs from the hill tops but anyone else feels like they have to sensor what they say and do in public just so that we are not judged and ridiculed by these Christian people; these god fearing Christian people, these people who know it is a sin to judge others according to their religious beliefs but go on and do it anyway. We hide to protect ourselves from being attacked and judged. We hide to maintain our way of life, the way of life that includes retarding our personalities and censoring any kind of verbal debate with other people. When we are asked to pray for someone we do, in our own way and would you look down upon how we do so? Or who we ask for help? Would you say "never mind" if you knew?
To any Christians who may be reading this, I respect your beliefs. I have also taken the time to understand them and learn about them. It will not be until you take the time to understand and learn my beliefs that you can say that you respect them. How can you respect something you do not understand? Most people do not understand and this is upsetting.
The next time you post, link, or quote your religion ask yourself if you would be comfortable with someone of a different religious path doing the same.
~Rae~ here to give you something to think about

~Rae~ here to give you something to think about